'BitLife' Ribbons: What They All Mean & How To Get Them (2024)

Wondering what all the ribbons are in Bitlife? Check out our complete list of Bitlife Simulator ribbons plus tips for how to get them on Android and iOS.

Bitlife - Life Simulator released last fall, but the addictive text adventure/life simulator continues to be a favorite go-to game in our free time, just for the sheer number of scenarios that can be played out. When the game first released, in addition to giving players over 50 personal achievements to meet the game also includes a list of ribbons players can obtain by achieving specific stats or goals during their character's lifetime. In December, the devs released a sizable update that not only added new nieces, nephews, and twin siblings but also a group 14 new ribbons such as Cunning, Wicked and Rowdy, while in January players got new features such as prenups, tubal ligation and in vitro fertilization. For players who love to hit every achievement, a game has to offer, obtaining every ribbon can prove quite a challenge — particularly if you aren't sure what the names of the ribbons are that you're trying to obtain. To help you grab up as many ribbons as you possibly can in the BitLife - Life Simulator game, we've put together a complete list of all 24 Ribbons in the game including those from launch and the new update. We've also included a few tips for how you can go about obtaining those ribbons as you play. If you look through our list of ribbons and tips and find any of them missing or have another simpler way you discovered to earn a specific ribbon, feel free to share your strategies in the comments below and we'll add them to our post.

UPDATE: There are two new ribbons -- Family Guy and Thief -- that were added to the game in a February 7, 2019 update. We have added them to the guide below.

BitLife Life Simulator Ribbons: Complete List of All 25 Ribbons and How to Get Them

'BitLife' Ribbons: What They All Mean & How To Get Them (1)

Academic Ribbon: What It Is And How To Get it

Just like it sounds, this ribbon is all about the schooling, While there isn't a clear definable path for achieving this ribbon, seeking higher education is a must to get there. Though you can raise your smarts in the game, it helps to try to achieve this goal in a life where you are already naturally intelligent. As you plan your little BitLife, you need to work hard in school even as an elementary student and pursue higher level education such as a Master's or Doctorate. In order to do this, you must think carefully about the type of career fields that lend themselves to high academic achievement and plan your college education accordingly. For example, if you are trying to go the Lawyer route, don't major in Art as an undergrad student. You'll be better served by an undergrad in political science. As you move up the ranks of your education, some very lucrative jobs may become available to you and you may have the funds to pursue many interests and pleasures, which, if you indulge too much could ultimately override your attempt at achieving this ribbon. As with most BitLife ribbons, to achieve them, your life must be significantly marked by that ribbon's title, so in the case of the Academic ribbon, your academic pursuits should outweigh all others.

Addict Ribbon: What It Is And How To Get it

Throughout your BitLife, different situations will arise where you'll be offered addictive substances and experiences such as alcohol, drugs, or a weekend at the casino. While some may indulge a bit here and there, to gain the addict ribbon you need to work hard and heavy at getting addicted to anything you can. When people indicate you may be an addict, resist any kind of drug or alcohol treatment.

Cunning Ribbon: What It Is And How To Get it

This can be a tricky ribbon to obtain as it requires you not only be sent to prison but you must also escape and never be caught. Going to prison obviously involves delving into a life of crime. One fairly simple way to land yourself there is to kill someone. Once in jail, you'll need to escape, which requires working at a very difficult mini-game puzzle. If you manage to do that, pat yourself on the back. From there you'll need to keep yourself from being discovered and locked back up. This means you'll mainly be moving from low paying job to low paying job to keep yourself under the radar. Undergoing a sex change can be useful as well, but you'll have to save up the cash to do so. Of all the Ribbons, this is probably the one we've found most challenging.

Deadly Ribbon: What It Is And How To Get it

This one is fairly straightforward. In order to earn the deadly ribbon, you need to kill two or more people in your lifetime. Getting that second or third kill can be tricky as it'll involve getting out of jail.

Family Guy Ribbon: What It Is And How To Get it (NEW)

This was a rumored ribbon for the last month or so, but now the devs have actually added it to the game. To earn the Family Guy ribbon, you need to make family a priority. While the Fertile ribbon is all about having a ton of kids, this one is about spending time with them. To win this ribbon you need to make your family your priority, Find a girl to date and marry her. Have some kids. Spend time with each of them every year. In fact, it's a good idea to monitor the happiness bars of all of your family members -- even extended family -- and try to keep them full. If you put the family above everything else, you should be able to unlock this ribbon.

Famous Ribbon: What It Is And How To Get it

This Ribbon is as close to real-life as you can get. In order to earn this one, you'll need to work it. Take on every opportunity to be in show business that you possibly can. This includes every kind of acting you can think of — even p*rn. As with most people in the limelight, you'll need to invest a lot of time in posting on social media and building up your following there.

'BitLife' Ribbons: What They All Mean & How To Get Them (2)

Fertile Ribbon: What It Is And How To Get It

This ribbon is pretty straightforward as well: in order to be fertile, you need to birth four or more children. This ribbon can be pretty time-consuming so prepare to have your life revolve entirely around having kiddies. Avoid tubal ligation. You may also want to try in vitro fertilization. Don't try to stand out in any other way, just keep filling the house to brimming with your offspring and you should easily obtain this ribbon.

Geriatric Ribbon: What It Is And How To Get it

This ribbon can be simple and hard to obtain. The major requirement is to live past 100, but you have to be careful not to distinguish yourself too much in any other way. Participate in activities that keep you healthy, but don't work too hard at obtaining money or other notoriety.

Globetrotter Ribbon: What It Is And How To Get it

To obtain this ribbon your character needs to have the travel bug. Travel as frequently and as widely as you possibly can. This includes taking vacations to varied destinations or immigrating several times during your life.

Hero Ribbon: What It Is And How To Get it

This is a hard ribbon to obtain because many other ribbons can often be obtained while pursuing it. The key thing with this ribbon is to be a nice guy. Spend time with your family, don't get into confrontations, when rifts come up in relationships always be the one to apologize. Another big part of it is saving people's lives. This means if an event comes up that allows you to either 'rescue' or 'intervene', do it. You might end up taking some hits, but you may also end up rescuing a couple folks. If you do manage to rescue more than one person, it's best to just keep aging up till death to avoid doing anything else significant.

High Roller Ribbon: What It Is And How To Get it

This ribbon is about making bank while gambling. According to a user on Reddit, this ribbon may actually have a trick to it. Here are the steps that were given:

  • Build up a wealth between $100k-$700k.
  • Go to the "Casino" tab in "Activities" and choose either Blackjack or Horse Races.
  • If you win, click continue and keep going until you have gained at least over $1 million from the casino/horse races.
  • If you lose, DO NOT press continue. Instead, shut down the app and reopen it (This will prevent you from losing any profit from gambling).
  • Keep doing this until the text above the casino/horse races says you have a lifetime gain of $1 million or more.

Houdini Ribbon: What It Is And How To Get it

To gain this ribbon, you'll have to escape from prison several times. In order to do that, you have to keep getting arrested — if possible for the same crime. Make it your goal to keep escaping prison and you should earn the ribbon.

Jailbird Ribbon: What It Is And How To Get it

This ribbon is kinda similar to Houdini except you aren't going to try to escape prison. Instead, you want to go to jail and spend as much of your life there as you can. Once you get yourself arrested, you can try to escape but be sure you aren't successful. If you are caught, you'll get additional time. It's also a good idea to start riots since this will also earn you extra time. If you have a chance to appeal a sentence, don't do it.

Lazy Ribbon: What It Is And How To Get it

This is a boring but fairly easy ribbon to obtain. Simply age up repeatedly until you die. If you have nothing that you lived for then, you'll earn this ribbon.

'BitLife' Ribbons: What They All Mean & How To Get Them (3)

Loaded Ribbon: What It Is And How To Get it

This ribbon requires you to be more than just rich. You'll need to amass at least $10 million dollars by the time you die. While some college jobs can earn you a lot of money for this one, you'll probably want to go the Acting or p*rnography star route. It helps if your character is already naturally attractive, but you should also invest in plastic surgery along the way to keep yourself looking good. If you get to where you're earning pretty steady, you may want to invest in real estate you can sell every few years for a profit.

Lustful Ribbon: What It Is And How To Get it

This ribbon isn't too difficult to come by, you just need to spend a lot of time with a lot of different sexual conquests. To do this, check into the dating app frequently and have one-night stands. Avoid getting emotionally entangled in any long-term relationships and if you're a female, try not to get pregnant. This ribbon is easier to obtain if your character is naturally attractive already.

Mediocre Ribbon: What It Is And How To Get it

This ribbon is kind of sad because it's basically about being a disappointment. While not as unremarkable as the Lazy ribbon, to earn Mediocre you need to do your best not to achieve anything in life. Stick with mundane, low paying jobs, stay single and don't buy a house or car. If you can manage to get yourself fired this helps too.

Rich Ribbon: What It Is And How To Get it

This was a ribbon we found pretty easy to achieve as it only requires you to net $1 million dollars (do not exceed $10 million or you'll earn the Loaded ribbon). This can be done pretty easily if you get into a good paying job like a doctor or a lawyer. You'll need to take the appropriate college path to do that. If you work till you die in one of these high-paying professions, you'll most likely achieve the goal.

Rowdy Ribbon: What It Is And How To Get it

Being the life of the party is central to gaining this ribbon. With the Rowdy Ribbon, you need to take drugs, go clubbing and get into verbal altercations as often as you possibly can. Just behave badly — but not so bad to be thrown in jail and you'll likely achieve this ribbon.

'BitLife' Ribbons: What They All Mean & How To Get Them (4)

Scandalous Ribbon: What It Is And How To Get it

To earn this ribbon you need to be a fighter. Get into physical brawls and fights as often as you can. Get yourself sent to prison. Do everything you can to be confrontational and you should be able to unlock this one.

Stupid Ribbon: What It Is And How To Get it

Being dumb is a lot harder that it looks but it is the goal of the Stupid Ribbon. To earn it, do everything in your power to avoid learning. When life choices come up, pick the dumbest one possible (ex: don't use a condom). Refuse to learn any life lessons and keep screwing up and you'll be on the right path. Try to dropout of school every chance you get and avoid getting a job. This ribbon is easier to obtain if your intelligence at birth isn't much.

Successful Ribbon: What It Is And How To Get it

This ribbon is deceptively named because essentially you own it for being an average person. Your goal should be to aim for middle class. Get a job that nets a decent living wage but isn't over the top. Try to keep the amount of money you earned over $500,000 but under a million. Get a spouse, some kids, a house and car. Live the American Dream.

Teammate Ribbon: What It Is And How To Get it

This ribbon is somewhat of an Easter Egg within the game and requires completing a very specific set of steps to achieve it.

  • Your character must be born in Tucson, Arizona or Miami, Florida in the U.S. (This is where the developers of BitLife have their offices)
  • You need to have a relatively high level of intelligence
  • You need to go to college for Computer Science
  • You should get a job as an app developer.
  • Age up until you die.

Thief Ribbon: What It Is And How To Get it (NEW)

The Thief can be a tricky one to unlock. Basically, you have to do a lot of stealing, but you can't get caught. During the game you may have the opportunity to so things like commit burglary, steal cars, or pickpocket. Every opportunity you have to steal you should try it, but if you go to jail it's game over. If you do happen to get caught, hiring a lawyer may be helpful to keep you out of jail.

Unlucky Ribbon: What It Is And How To Get it

This is a really difficult ribbon to earn and really happens by chance. You basically have to have a lot of bad luck to earn it. A common way players have earned this ribbon is by dying of cancer or some other unfortunate situation that leads to early death.

Wasteful Ribbon: What It Is And How To Get it

This one is kind of dumb but easy to achieve. To earn the Wasteful ribbon you just need to end you life as soon as possible. You can do this by going to your Activities tab and scroll all the way to the bottom where you'll see the option to "End Life" and you'll be awarded the Wasteful ribbon.

Wicked Ribbon: What It Is And How To Get it

This one is kind of like the Scandalous ribbon but more sinister. You basically want to have threesomes and cheat on your spouse or significant other. It also helps if you can get an STD and spread it to a few people. The best way to get an STD is via unprotected hookups, but . be careful not to do too many or you'll end up with the Lustful ribbon instead.

Uncommon Knowledge

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'BitLife' Ribbons: What They All Mean & How To Get Them (2024)


What do the ribbons mean in BitLife? ›

A Ribbon is awarded based on your character's lifetime. In BitLife, there are several different actions you can perform that impact what your life is like.

What is the easiest ribbon to get in BitLife? ›

Wasteful. It is a brown ribbon represented with an emoji of throwing away trash. By far this is the easiest ribbon to receive in BitLife.

What are the unknown ribbons in BitLife? ›

There are four hidden ribbons in BitLife: Hero, Glitched, Censored, and Mediocre.

How to get the fertile ribbon BitLife? ›

This ribbon is pretty straightforward as well: in order to be fertile, you need to birth four or more children. This ribbon can be pretty time-consuming so prepare to have your life revolve entirely around having kiddies. Avoid tubal ligation. You may also want to try in vitro fertilization.

How to get famous ribbon in BitLife? ›

To get the Famous ribbon in BitLife, you gotta become famous! Start a career in acting, music, or social media, and keep working at it. Pro tip: having a good look and high smarts helps a ton! Win BitLife credit by playing games on Playbite!

How to get BitLife gold digger ribbon? ›

Gold Digger
  1. Be born in a wealthy country, such as Germany or Australia.
  2. Focus on having good looks and stats.
  3. Never get a job. However, you can take advantage of freelance gigs or steal to make quick money.
  4. Lastly, find aged people with high incomes to marry.
Jan 1, 2024

What is the rarest item in BitLife? ›

The rarest heirloom in BitLife is generally believed to be the Fabergé egg.

What gets you the richest in BitLife? ›

How To Get Rich Quick. The fastest way to make the most money in BitLife is by becoming famous through acting, sports, or music. Popularity will rake in the dough, but becoming a Famous Actor will generate the most revenue for you in record time.

What is the highest BitLife age? ›

In BitLife, the highest age your character can reach is around 120 years old, but reaching that age is super rare. Make sure to keep your health stats high! The highest age in BitLife? It's generally around 120, but hitting that is like winning the longevity lottery.

What is the rarest death in BitLife? ›

Disease-related deaths

Because the player cannot take them to a Medical Doctor, their death is inevitable. They can die from diseases the player cannot contract such as leukemia, typhoid fever, malaria and even smallpox, the last one being Very rare and possibly the rarest way a relative can die.

How to get Bandit ribbon BitLife? ›

Get the "Bandit" death ribbon for committing a train robbery during your life.
  1. The easiest way to get this ribbon is to try and get it specifically. ...
  2. Once your character is 18, rob a train once. ...
  3. After you've robbed the train, have your character die before they do anything else noteworthy.

How rare is the holy grail in BitLife? ›

It's extremely rare, definitely one of the hardest items to get in the game. Holy Grail in BitLife is super rare. I've played for years and only found it once!

How many ribbons are there in BitLife? ›

There are 40 Ribbons in total that you can unlock in BitLife, such as the Lustful Ribbon or the Cunning Ribbon.

How to unlock everything in BitLife? ›

To unlock everything in BitLife, becoming a Bitizen is essential! Bitizenship provides access to exclusive features and removes ads. You can purchase a Bitizenship from the in-game store. You can unlock a lot by just playing the game and making different life choices.

How to get highroller ribbon in BitLife? ›

To earn the High Roller Ribbon in BitLife, you need to have over $1,000,000 in earnings from gambling at the casino. However, you must also not win too much money at the casino. If you have more than $3,000,000 in casino earnings by the end of your life, you will be awarded the Rich or Loaded Ribbon instead.

Can you marry a queen in BitLife? ›

Yes, you can marry a queen in BitLife! Keep an eye on the dating app for royalty or aim to meet them during royal events. Win BitLife credit by playing games on Playbite!

How do you win the lazy ribbon in BitLife? ›

When presented with events, choose the option that is the least involving (i.e. if you are presented with finding a bag of money, choose the option 'leave it alone'). Do not pursue a college education or a job, do not get married or have kids, just keep tapping the age button until you die... That's literally it.

What are the top belts in BitLife? ›

The top belts in BitLife are the Black Belt in Martial Arts and the Sash 10 in Karate. Getting them requires dedication, but they're worth the effort! Black Belt in Martial Arts is the top belt. Enough said.

How do you get the unlucky ribbon in BitLife? ›

To get the unlucky ribbon in BitLife, make sure your character experiences a series of unfortunate events like frequent illnesses, accidents, and losing their job. Basically, just have a rough life! Honestly, just have your BitLife character make some awful decisions and watch the chaos unfold. Easy peasy!


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